A Message To Myself in 2022

This morning I wrote an email to myself, using the FutureMe app. The email will be delivered to me on the 31st December 2022. I also chose to share it in full with my mailing list.

In it, I outlined my objectives and then wrapped it all in a personal mantra;

“First, be simple and kind. Then, curate and share.” - Me

Simple: “not elaborate or artificial”

Kind: “of a good or benevolent nature or disposition, as a a person”

Curate: “to pull together, sift through, and select for presentation”

Share: “to have a share or part; take part (often followed by in)

The mantra reflects my intention to be more considered in what I create, more bold in what I choose to share, and more focused in choosing where to share. 

Choosing What To Do

Musing more on my mantra, I created a few guiding statements:

 In 2022 I will…

“Be a person who looks after their health”

“Be a person who practices yoga”

”Be a person who spends quality time with their family”

“Be a person who doesn’t waste money”

“Be a successful and inspirational professional”

“Be a Writer” 

“Be a person who does amazing things” 

Each of these has a couple of measurements I can check throughout the year and then, in December when I open my email to myself, I will calculate my final progress. Simple right?

Choosing What Not To Do

Of course, the reality is there is not enough time to do everything, so why not be explicit about what is not being done? In my opinion, doing this makes it easier to focus attention on what has been chosen. This list was difficult to write, but very liberating. 

In 2022 I will not…

- Make a working computer game (Doom Cricket on hold until 2023)

- Make more recorded music

- Write a long-form book 

- Start a roleplaying games club in the Adelaide Hills

- Play a team sport

- Play computer games

- Watch good television series (ie Better Call Saul etc)

- Improve my tabla skills (by much…maybe a bit)

- Measure random things (books read, games played etc)


Doom Cricket Development Log 1